Welcome to St. John’s!

As a congregation celebrating God’s call since 1901 to share God’s love in Jesus, St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church welcomes visitors and members alike. Our Mission Statement (What we hope for people who come here) is simple:




to Jesus Christ


St. John’s Lutheran is a church that shares a living, daring confidence in God’s grace.  Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person–questions, complexities and all.  Join us as we do God’s work in Christ’s name for the life of the world.

Why come?
People come to church for different reasons, but our desire is to encourage all who come to seek God and a deeper, more purposeful relationship with Him.

No one is perfect and no matter who you are, no matter where you are in your feelings or knowledge about God, we want you to know that you are welcome here. We invite you simply to come, just as you are. 


What You Can Expect at Worship
Below is the worship schedule for St. John’s.  The contemporary service (Sundays at 9 AM in the Fellowship  Hall) is a more casual service with current music from a Contemporary Worship Team.  The traditional service (Sundays at 10:30 AM in the main worship space called “The Nave”) features an adult choir (September-June), occasional special musical groups including our bell choirs and organ music. 

Regular Worship Services
Sunday mornings

  • 9 AM Contemporary Service in Fellowship Hall 
  • 10:30 AM Traditional Service in Main Worship Space

Other Sunday morning activities

  • Sunday School (JAM-Jesus and Me Program) at 10:30 AM
  • Coffee Hour available all morning
  • Bible Lesson Discussion, 10-11 AM

Lent Services (Wednesdays during Lent- the 6 weeks leading up to Easter)

  • Worship, 12 noon
  • Family Soup Supper, 6 PM
  • Lenten Worship Service, 7 PM

Special Services. For baptisms, funerals, or weddings, please contact the pastor or church office.

Holy Days. St. John’s offers varied worship experiences on holy days, some of which are shared with the Lutheran Care Center or other local congregations.


If you want to know more about St. John’s Lutheran and/or the Christian faith, we welcome you to meet with Pastor Koenig (PK).  Please call the church office and we would be glad to set up a time for you. 845-452-1550



St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
55 Wilbur Boulevard
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
(845) 452-1550

The building is handicap accessible.

Personal PA provided for the hearing impaired.