St. John’s journey through Lent culminated in Holy Week. A Maundy Thursday service was held at noon followed by the Meal in the Upper Room (an experiential meal/service) in the evening. On Good Friday 2 services were held, one called the “Veneration of the Cross” where congregants are encouraged to come forward and nail (or stick) their sins to the cross and the other was a  “Tenebrae Service” where candles are extinguished one by one as the last words of Christ are read. The entire church is darkened and the congregation leaves in silence as they contemplate the enormous sacrifice of Christ on our behalf.

The somber recognition of Christ’s death is in direct contrast to the joy celebrated 3 days later on Easter Sunday as we proclaim a risen Savior with loud Alleluia’s and brass fanfare. Holy Week is indeed a journey, and one that ends in the most joyous day, Resurrection Sunday.